Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Day at the Tree house

Charlie and Ike's arm.

This weekend was really fun! My friend Liz and her nephew Charlie came with us to the children's museum called "The Tree House." It was really cute there was a fire truck and a music room and a train room. There was so much stuff for the kids to do. I was sad that I didn't manage to get any pictures with Ike and Charlie next to each other because Ike kept running around like crazy! Anyway, thanks Liz for thinking of such a fun Idea!


lkossin said...

Your blog is so cute! I must say, it makes me think I could do one. Let's see if I say that in a couple months. You are doing a great job! I love it, it's not ghetto.

Lizzy said...

That was very fun, thanks for coming with us. Ike is so dang cute!